Ruth Hazel's Birth Story

Ruth Hazel is our third, sweet baby girl. We love her so!
I like to write each baby’s birth stories because I want to share what the Lord has done in our lives.
Each mama has a unique story, and I love to read other mama’s birth stories, as well!
Labor and the birth of a baby is such a great reminder of our sin and the Lord’s faithfulness to still provide.
Some birth stories are hard, sometimes babies are lost, and in some everything turns out all right.
Regardless of if you have all of your babies on this earth or in heaven, may we, as believing mamas, rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who mourn (Romans 12:15). The Lord is good.

Here goes! Seven months after the birth of our Ruth...I would, finally, like to share our story with you.

Two days after Easter Sunday I went into labor at midnight on April 23, 2019.
It all began a couple of hours after we went to bed. I went to the bathroom, and I had a few contractions. I decided to lay back down for a bit and wait to see if it was the real deal. Then I noticed bloody show a bit after midnight. My last labor with Leah was only three hours, so I was expecting this baby to come pretty quickly! Now, we didn't know the gender of baby number three, so we were still waiting to see if this little one was a Abraham or a Ruth. Little did I know that my labor was going to be roughly 10 hours this time around, which was the same time I was in labor with Esther.
And of course, the end result was our daughter, Ruth!

Anyways, I had contractions for an hour or so, and then we decided to call our midwife in case the labor went quickly. She asked for us to call back when contractions were closer together, but that they would be ready to head over in an hour or two regardless. We called my sister in law to come pick up our oldest two which was an adventure in itself! They were so excited that Mommy was having the baby, but I let Matt handle taking them out to the car. Katelyn has some stories she could share about their anticipation as relates to having a sibling on the way! The midwife's assistant arrived at our home by 2:30, and then our midwife came around 3.

In the meanwhile, I was just pacing around our apartment and sitting down periodically at our desk that was in our living room at the time. I really was expecting a shorter labor, so I was surprised at how calm and "easy" the contractions were. I made a playlist of worship music to listen to while I was in labor this time. I was glad I had it! We were listening to Sovereign Grace Music, Jadon Lavik, and Matt Boswell on repeat for a few hours. It was helpful to keep my mind focused on the Lord during all of the walking I was doing. I walked, drank water, went to the bathroom, and walked some more. I don't know why, but I literally just walk and walk when I'm in labor.

Finally, around 8 AM we all moved into our room to set up for having the baby because my contractions were coming on stronger. Then all of a sudden my body was just exhausted, and I felt unable to push although my body wanted me to. I laid down on the bed for a bit, and I think I actually fell asleep for 10 or 15 minutes! I've never taken a nap while in active labor, but that must have been a grace from the Lord to allow me a bit of rest. My midwife took a short nap in my daughter's room as well, and her two assistants were hanging out on the floor at the foot of my bed. Matt was lovingly supporting me every step of the way.

The midwife came back to check my progress around 9:30, and she said I was having trouble pushing because my water was still intact. It was an answer to pray for water to still be intact, yet it was inhibiting me from being able to push the baby out like my body wanted to. My midwife asked me if I wanted her to break my water to make it easier for me to start pushing. Matt and I agreed that would be a good idea, so during my next contraction she did just that. I was still quite tired, so I was thankful that my midwife brought a birth stool with her. I sat on that, and slowly, I was able to start pushing my big baby out into the world.

The pushing part seemed to take such a long time, yet in reality, it might have been 15 - 20 minutes. I was slightly concerned because during Esther's labor there were a few complications during pushing, and I was praying for a non-ashen baby this time around. I was giving it all I had, and finally the Lord allowed our sweet Ruth to enter the world! I didn't have any tearing, and Ruth was the brightest, most pink baby I have ever delivered! She was also the largest, hence the time I had pushing her out.
She was born a bit after 10 AM weighing 9 lbs, 7 oz and measuring 22 inches long.

I was so surprised that it was a girl! I was also so thankful that the Lord saw fit for us to raise three little women. After Ruth was born I praised the Lord for a successful home birth and for Him allowing me to make it through labor and afterwards with little complications. He was good to sustain me and Matt, and we had a great team of ladies who were able to help me birth our sweet Ruth! Her sisters were so excited to meet her later on that day, and we were thankful for the help with my brother and sister in law taking care of our kiddos.

Lastly, we were very blessed by the help we received from our church family in bringing us so many meals, and even tailoring them to our health needs. They were so kind to serve us in this way. We also had some extra help from my mother in law and my own mom. I was glad they could come entertain our girls as well! The healing after Ruth was so speedy I was able to resume normal life again quite quickly! I slightly feared the recovery process from Ruth because of the extreme anxiety period I struggled through during my pregnancy. Yet, God saw me through the sleepless nights and granted me restful days that were grounded in Him. I hope to publish more on anxiety and how God has brought me through that in the near future.

For now, we are raising our three daughters for God's glory alone. We pray He will see fit to give us more babies whether through our bodies or by adoption. We feel we have more little kiddos out there who will join our family one day through adoption, should the Lord allow.
God is faithful. He never fails. May we serve Him today.

P.S. Birth is such an intense and sweet experience for my husband and I. I always wish to remember how he looks at me when I am in labor, how he cares for me in his glances and kind words, and how he is amazed by God's goodness after the baby is born. He is such a supportive and kind husband, and I am so thankful that we have brought three little girls into this world by God's grace. 


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