Seeing God's Provision in the Small Things

God always provides - even when your kid is throwing up tragically unhindered in her car seat while you're en route to meet up with your husband for lunch.
This was a scenario I experienced today, and I wanted to share how God gave me joy. He can fill your heart with gladness, as well. Read on my friend, hold your nose if you must ;) , and be encouraged because God is good.

So, here's the back story. My girls have been sick - stomach bug, potty problems sick for the last couple of days. They never threw up though, well until today. I decided since they seemed to be feeling a bit better I might as well drive around and look at the rentals we have saved on our list to see which ones we might want to call about looking inside. It got to be a little later than I intended, so I thought it would be fun to get a small treat for the girls and a coffee for myself. Each girl had a very small "roll up" and I had a coffee. Not even an hour later we just finished looking at the fourth and final rental when, all of a sudden, my oldest mercilessly started spewing vomit all over herself and her car seat. I felt so terrible for her! In her almost four years of life she has never had an experience like that!

Now, let me tell you how the Lord provided in what could have been extreme chaos, annoyance, stress, or the like. First off, Matt called me a few minutes back and asked me to meet him for lunch. We have never met up for lunch on a work day, so I was really excited about this! It was sweet of him to ask us, and now it was an extra special time to look forward to after the incident that just occurred. Then, God provided by allowing us to be a mere minute from where we were meeting Matt so I could pull over and help clean up my daughter. Third, I had a brand, new bag of wipes....and let me tell you, we NEVER used to buy wipes until this month (we used to use reusable cloth wipes and I would only bring a few with me). God knew I would need them! Also, I just ordered Thieves wipes for the first time, so I had those in my van too and would be able to better smell on the straps of her car seat!

Well, I pulled over the car with a crying little girl and got to work on cleaning. I then realized I didn't bring any clothes for them to change into in case anything happened. Guess what?? God provided again! I had a bag of clothes that I was going to donate in the back that I had not dropped off yet. God used my procrastination for my good. Lastly, He allowed my youngest to be asleep through it all and He provided me with compassion for my oldest along with joy and patience as I was cleaning a giant, terrible, smelly mess.

I am unsure if it was the small snack or the sickness from the previous days that made her feel unwell, but I am sure that God gave me this trail for a reason. I have not always been so full of joy during these trying times. Just ask me how last week went or a few months back, for that matter. Yet, God has shown me that my joy cannot be dependent on any person or situation. Our joy is only found in the Lord. Anger and annoyance come easy for me. It's in all people's sin nature to rely on ourselves first, to look for people to solve our problems, or to get angry when things "don't go our way". Recently, God has been kind to convict my heart on my pride and anger. He has shown me my need for spending each day in His word to grow in my understanding of living a life that is pleasing to Him, to be encouraged by all He has done for us, to be better prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in me, and so much more. I have been given life for God's glory alone. Why would I waste it on selfish ambitions and bad attitudes? Sadly, I do that all too often.

Yet, God's grace and mercy covers us wretched sinners! He can make a hard heart soften to His tender calling. He has given life to us who once were dead in our trespasses. His mercies are new every morning. He is holy. He is righteous. He is the one, true God. Why can't we remember this in the midst of our tough circumstances?? It could be that we haven't spent ample time with the Lord that morning, week, month or more. It could be that we have some unconfessed sins that we may be living in that we need the help of a sister in Christ and the Lord to overcome. It could be that we are trusting in ourselves more than we are trusting in His will. It could be we are filling our minds with worldliness and mindless scrolling instead of poring over His Word and committing Scripture to memory.

I pray this short post encourages you, convicts you, and spurs you on to salvation or to living the call of salvation that the Lord has graciously bestowed upon you. I have been convicted and encouraged in this short day. There are times I need to look to the Lord instead of myself. I need to be okay with things not going the way I "wanted them to go". I need to submit to my husband's authority more. I a grateful for ladies whom I can share with and who can hold me accountable. Yet, I am most thankful for a gracious God who forgives and allows us to be convicted and refined by fire to grow in Him. His love is great. Happy days are only possible through relinquishing control and trusting in the Lord in spite of our circumstances.

If you don't have a woman in your church or a close, Christian woman who you an share your struggles with please reach out to me via email or Instagram! I am always willing to encourage, pray, and grow with you in any way that you need! Let us spur one another on towards love and good deeds as it states in Hebrews 10:24. And remember, see God's provision in the little things. Whether it be your husband coming home early from work, your neighbor coming over to ask you for an egg (take time to share the Gospel or encourage them with Scripture, or your child learning how to do a chore to help you through your day! God provides, and we can choose joy!


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